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Use the following links to find and access available grants for merchants in Sunnyside Shines.

Accion Opportunity Fund

Legal Zoom Grant: Fast Break for Small Business
150 small businesses will receive $10,000 grants and a LegalZoom product of their choosing (valued up to $500), and 3,000 emerging entrepreneurs who haven’t yet launched their intended business will receive a LegalZoom product of their choosing (valued at up to $500). 
This program is for current and future owners of US-based businesses (LLCs, corporations, or sole proprietorships, not non-profit organizations). 
Requirements for $10,000 Grant + Legal Zoom Products:
  • In business for at least 3 months.
  • Annual revenue of less than $1 million
  • Active business bank account.
  • Not in an ineligible industry for this program.
Subvención Legal Zoom: contraataque para pequeñas empresas
150 pequeñas empresas recibirán subvenciones de $10,000 y un producto LegalZoom de su elección (valorado en hasta $500), y 3,000 empresarios emergentes que aún no han lanzado su negocio previsto recibirán un producto LegalZoom de su elección (valorado en hasta $500).
Este programa es para propietarios actuales y futuros de empresas con sede en los EE. UU. (LLC, corporaciones o empresas unipersonales, no organizaciones sin fines de lucro).
Requisitos para Subvención de $10,000 + Productos Legales Zoom:
 • Estar en el negocio por al menos 3 meses.
 • Ingresos anuales de menos de $1 millón
 • Cuenta bancaria comercial activa.
 • No estar en una industria no elegible para este programa.

Small Business Challenge

In these challenging times for small business owners, 1010 WINS and Dime Community Bank are here to offer a helping hand in relaunching, rebuilding, or expanding your business. This grant can be the boost you need to get your business back on its feet and thriving once again.
To enter for a chance to win this $10,000 award, all you need to do is share with 1010 WINS and Dime Community Bank your plans on how you would utilize this fund to relaunch, rebuild, or expand your business. Whether it's investing in new equipment, enhancing your marketing efforts, or expanding your product line, we want to hear your innovative ideas.
Don't miss this opportunity to take your business to the next level with the support of 1010 WINS and Dime Community Bank.
En estos tiempos difíciles para los propietarios de pequeñas empresas, 1010 WINS y Dime Community Bank están aquí para ofrecerle ayuda para relanzar, reconstruir o expandir su negocio. Esta subvención puede ser el impulso que necesita para que su negocio se recupere y prospere una vez más.
Para participar y tener la oportunidad de ganar este premio de $10,000, todo lo que necesita hacer es compartir con 1010 WINS y Dime Community Bank sus planes sobre cómo utilizaría este fondo para relanzar, reconstruir o expandir su negocio. Ya sea que se trate de invertir en nuevos equipos, mejorar sus esfuerzos de marketing o ampliar su línea de productos, queremos escuchar sus ideas innovadoras.
No pierda esta oportunidad de llevar su negocio al siguiente nivel con el apoyo de 1010 WINS y Dime Community Bank.

Rising Restaurateur

Rising Restaurateur: A Community Grant Program
Micro grants of up to $10,000 to uplift your restaurant.
- NYC Latino, Black, Indigenous, Asian American and/or Pacific Islander restaurateurs / food and beverage companies.
- Brick-and-mortar establishments, food trucks and food carts.
- Based in Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens and Westchester County (Mt. Vernon and Yonkers).
- Operating as a single business with 30 or fewer employees and a revenue of $2 million or less.
* Members of the NYS Latino Restaurant Bar & Lounge Association are encouraged to apply.
Restaurador en ascenso: un programa de subvenciones comunitarias
Microsubvenciones de hasta $10,000 para mejorar su restaurante.
- Empresarios de alimentos y bebidas latinos, negros, indígenas, asiático-americanos y/o isleños del Pacífico de Nueva York.
- Establecimientos físicos, food trucks y food carts.
- Con sede en Manhattan, Brooklyn, el Bronx, Queens y el condado de Westchester (Mt. Vernon y Yonkers).
- Operar como una sola empresa con 30 empleados o menos y unos ingresos de 2 millones de dólares o menos.
* Se anima a los miembros de la Asociación de Restaurantes, Bares y Salón Latinos del Estado de Nueva York a presentar su solicitud.

Risk Assessment and Grant Program

The NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) this week launched a new grant to support small businesses and commercial properties in New York City floodplains become more resilient in the face of natural disasters. The BPREP Risk Assessment and Grant Program offers a free, one-on-one resiliency assessment to help businesses and commercial properties identify vulnerabilities, and provides to eligible applicants an accompanying grant of up to $5,000 to strengthen their infrastructure with items like generators, fire and flood-proof storage, and flood barriers.
Please note, eligibility for this program is limited. Funds will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis to applicants who meet the following criteria:
  • The applicant must be an owner or tenant of a commercial property located in an area at risk of or with exposure to flooding.
  • The commercial property must be occupied by a small business operational for at least one (1) year at the time of application.
  • The applicant's annual revenue for the prior calendar year, or the most recent calendar year for which the applicant submitted a federal income tax return, must not exceed $30 million.
  • The applicant must not have previously received any grant or other benefit, including an assessment related to resiliency, from the BPREP Grant Program or the RISE:NYC program.

Queens Chamber of Commerce

Are you struggling to market your restaurant or scale your business? Look no further than Restaurant 311, the free consultation service offered by the Queens Chamber of Commerce. Whether you're a new startup or an established business, our team of experts will provide personalized advice and guidance to help you succeed. From marketing strategies to financial planning, we've got you covered. Don't wait, apply now at the link below and take the first step towards achieving your business goals.


Tiene dificultades para comercializar su restaurante o ampliar su negocio? No busque más, el Restaurante 311, el servicio de consulta gratuito que ofrece la Cámara de Comercio de Queens. Ya sea que sea una nueva empresa o un negocio establecido, nuestro equipo de expertos le brindará asesoramiento y orientación personalizados para ayudarlo a tener éxito. Desde estrategias de marketing hasta planificación financiera, lo tenemos cubierto. No espere, presente su solicitud ahora en el siguiente enlace y dé el primer paso para alcanzar sus objetivos.
